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Saturday, March 31, 2012


Assalammualaikum and peace be upon on all visitor and readers. Alhamdulillah and 'syukran' to those who still reading and visiting my blog that not so 'cool' or 'awesome' or full of information. Alhamdulillah, hari ini admin akan membincangkan mengenai suatu "SAMBUTAN" yang berkait rapat dengan bulan April. Apa dia? Sambutan April Fool yang diraikan oleh sebilangan bangsa atau etnik yang ada setiap pelusuk dunia. Ada yang meraikannya, ada yang juga tidak meraikannya.
  Dan kita sebagai umat Islam atau yang berpegang teguh dengan ajaran Allah s.w.t haruslah tahu mengenai SAMBUTAN APRIL FOOL ini. Baiklah, kita tahu bahawa APRIL FOOL adalah suatu 'jenaka' atau 'mengenakan' seseorang dengan melakukan sesuatu perkara. Admin bagi contohlah,

Pelajar A : Pelajar B tali kasut kamu terhurailah. Cuba lihat kasut kamu itu.
Pelajar B : Ya ke? Sekejap ya. (pelajar B melihat kasutnya)
Pelajar A : April Fool!!! Haha (gelak)

 Jadi kalian nampak bagaimana APRIL FOOL ini sebenarnya? Tadi adalah contoh yang paling mudah. Pelajar A mengatakan bahawa kasut Pelajar B terhurai sedangkan talinya masih lagi dalam keadaan baik. Admin bagitahu kalian awal-awal. Mungkin sesetengah orang boleh menerima lawak or jenaka macam ini, tapi bukan semua orang boleh menerimanya. Mungkin dalam kita buat perkara itu, kita mungkin sakitkan hati seseorang or lukakan hatinya atau membuatkan 'mood' dia rosak.

 Alhamdulillah, hari ini admin diberikan kesempatan dalam membincangkan perkara mengenai HUKUM menyambut APRIL FOOL terumatanya pada bulan 4 ini.... Selamat Membaca !!


Menipu adalah satu sifat yang buruk. Ia tidak layak diamalkan oleh manusia yang berakhlak dan beriman. Bahkan ia adalah satu petanda kemunafikan. Jadi konklusinya bagi pembuka kata, Menipu itu bukan suatu yang baik, sesuatu yang layak mahupun sesuatu yang patut diamalkan dalam kehidupan seorang manusia yang mempunyai akhlak yang baik, yang mencari keredhaan Allah dan mempunyai akal fikiran yang mampu memikirkan yang baik ataupun yang buruk. Faham ya? Kita teruskan...

Hal ini kerana Rasulullah SAW bersabda : 
Orang munafik mempunyai tiga ciri : Dia menipu, tidak menepati janji, dan tidak menunaikan amanah. 
[HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim]

  Rasulullah SAW memberikan amaran ke atas perbuatan menipu dengan tujuan menghiburkan manusia.
Baginda SAW bersabda: 

Kecelakaan ke atas sesiapa yang menipu untuk menghiburkan manusia, kecelakaan ke atasnya, kecelakaan ke atasnya.” 

[HR Abu Daud, at-Tirmizi, dan an-Nasai’e]

Rasulullah SAW juga bersabda: 

Seseorang itu tidak dikira benar-benar beriman hinggalah dia meninggalkan penipuan yang bertujuan untuk bergurau dan meninggalkan berdebat walaupun dia membawa kebenaran”. 

[HR Ahmad dan At-Thabrani]. 

Sebahagian hadis Nabi SAW turut memberikan amaran ke atas umat Islam daripada menakutkan orang lain sama ada secara serius mahupun bergurau. 

Rasulullah SAW bersabda: 

Tidak dibenarkan seseorang menakutkan seorang Muslim.” 

[HR Abu Daud]
Oleh kerana itu, menipu adalah dilarang dalam apa bentuk pun. Sambutan April Fool adalah dilarang kerana 4 sebab :

1. Larangan menipu yang sudah termaktub di dalam al-Quran dan as-Sunnah.
2. Kesedihan dan ketakutan yang tidak berasas (yang disebabkan penipuan itu) yang mungkin boleh menimpa seseorang mahupun kesemua ahli keluarganya walaupun hanya untuk satu jam.
3. Pengkhianatan ke atas kepercayaan yang diberikan.
4. Meniru budaya buruk yang bukan milik kita, iaitu penipuan.

Sheikh Atiyyah Saqr pula menyatakan :
Adalah menjadi kesepakatan kesemua agama dan akal yang waras bahawa kejujuran itu satu kebaikan, dan penipuan adalah lawannya. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran, kata-katamu hendaklah menerangkan realiti, sedangkan untuk menyatakan penipuan adalah dengan menyampaikan apa yang bercanggah dengan apa yang kamu katakan mahupun lakukan. Seburuk-buruk pendustaan adalah sumpah yang palsu, bahkan itu adalah satu bentuk kemunafikan.

Penipuan adalah dilarang kecuali ia dilakukan dalam keadaan darurat. Di dalam kes tersebut, kaedah “darurat menjadikan yang haram harus” digunakan. Darurat hanya boleh diambil apabila tiada pilihan lain. Salah satu bentuk penipuan yang dibenarkan ialah apa yang kita panggil sebagai helah, iaitu menggunakan perkataan yang membawa lebih daripada satu maksud. Umat Islam mungkin boleh mengambil pemahaman yang positif daripada penafsiran perkataan (yang mempunyai dua makna) tersebut.
Diriwayatkan bahawa penipuan dibenarkan untuk memberikan manfaat, bukan untuk melakukan kerosakan. 
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: 
Seseorang yang mendamaikan di antara dua insan dan berkata perkara yang baik, walaupun ia tidak benar, bukanlah seorang penipu.” 
[HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim]

Ummu Kalsum binti ‘Uqbah turut berkata, di dalam tambahan lafaz diatas hadis itu,
 “Aku tidak pernah mendengar Rasulullah SAW membenarkan menipu kecuali di dalam tiga situasi iaitu ketika perang, untuk mendamaikan di antara dua pihak yang bertelagah, dan perbualan biasa antara suami isteri.” 
Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan perbualan biasa antara suami isteri ialah untuk meredakan kesusahan di dalam kehidupan.

Sheikh Shalih Fauzan menyatakan :
Penipuan adalah tidak dibenarkan langsung, pada bila-bila masa sahaja. Bahkan adalah tidak dibenarkan untuk meniru orang kafir dan menjadi seperti mereka, sama ada pada hari April Fool, mahupun pada hari-hari yang lain. Ini kerana Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Barangsiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, maka dia sebahagian daripada mereka.”

Berdasarkan fatwa-fatwa di atas, kita mendapati bahawa budaya April Fool jelas bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam yang menuntut umat Islam sentiasa bersifat jujur.

Alhamdulillah, sampai disini sahajalah kita berkongsi ilmu dan pandangan mengenai April Fool yang disambut sebahagian bangsa dan etnik didunia. Namun, kita (termasuklah admin sendiri) seharusnya mengelakkan daripada 'terjebak' , 'ter-join' dan 'mengenakan' kawan-kawan ataupun saudara-mara kita sendiri mahupun dari kaum kerabat kita sendiri atau saudara Islam itu sendiri.

P/S : Admin agak busy dalam 3-4 bulan ini kerana baru sahaja lepas dapat result SPM dan masih lagi mencari 'Universiti' dan masih lagi mengisi pelbagai borang pemohonan yang ada. Jadi sebarang kesulitan harap dimaafkan dan diampunkan. Selamat Beramal.




Thursday, March 15, 2012


  Assalammualaikum and peace be upon on all visitor that still loyal reading and visiting my blog. First, I'm very sorry for not keep the articles, news or story up to date. Right now, I had a few problems that need to be settle down. So for today articles I bring you about Japan. Its been a years since the last 'mother-nature' disaster happen upon them. So here some news about them..

  Efforts have largely stalled to rebuild cities and towns along Japan's northeast coast that were smashed six months ago by a cataclysmic tsunami, as renewal efforts are crippled by political wrangling and the task's sheer complexity.

Workers have pushed most of the splintered wood, tangled steel and other debris into piles several stories high. But there has been no real rebuilding in the low-lying areas that were once the heart of the community. It is unclear when such work will begin.In Rikuzenatakata, where rampaging waves on March 11 carried off nearly one-tenth of the population and obliterated the downtown, the city center remains a desolate plain. Studding the landscape are the gutted concrete shells of City Hall, a hospital and other buildings.
"Without a plan, we can't do anything," said Eiko Kanno, a 56-year-old housewife whose home, near one of Rikuzentakata's main fishing ports, was obliterated by the tsunami. She now lives in a prefabricated temporary dwelling on a hill overlooking the wave-swept flats.

Up and down the tsunami-wrecked coast, residents and municipal officials blame politicians in Tokyo, who they say have failed to make critical decisions that would let them move forward. The biggest immediate issue is a lack of money, they say. Also impeding progress are diverging views about what to rebuild, and how.
National lawmakers, paralyzed by the internecine leadership struggle that unseated Prime Minister Naoto Kan late last month, still haven't decided how much the deeply indebted national government can afford.The central government says it is working as fast as it can, and is consulting with locals before making calls on projects such as replacement sea walls, new ports and other infrastructure.
To date, Tokyo has approved ¥6 trillion ($78 billion) in spending—a fraction of the ¥40 trillion some experts now believe it may take to restore damaged regions—with much of the money directed at emergency relief efforts that won the authorities high marks just after the disaster.
More funds will start flowing if Japan's new leader, former Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, can push through a new round of appropriations expected to total around ¥13 trillion later this year. But it could take months longer before that translates into any concrete reconstruction, potentially leaving residents and businesses in limbo until well into 2012.
"It would be a lot faster if we just came up with a plan" and imposed it on locals, said Shougo Tsugawa, a parliamentarian overseeing the Iwate restoration. "But we want to listen to people's voices."

Here in Rikuzentakata, one of the biggest debates surrounds the size and shape of a new sea wall locals want to have built to help protect them from future tsunamis.
The old walls were largely destroyed by the March waves, which in some places surpassed 10 yards—far higher than anything anticipated by earlier generations of planners. Following the advice of prefecture officials, the city wants to adopt layered tsunami defenses with multiple barriers and build a new, more concentrated downtown on higher ground, further inland.
But the city—already more than $100 million in debt—doesn't have the funds to build new walls on its own. It is waiting on Tokyo to decide how much it will spend and how high the walls will be. The lower the walls, the more land near the shore will have to be left undeveloped, and until a final decision is reached, city leaders say they can't move ahead with the other parts of their plan.
"We can't rebuild a shopping street until the city decides where the new downtown will be," said Daiki Suzuki, an official at the Rikuzentakata Chamber of Commerce.
The city's plans also depend on getting central government funding to tear down ruined public buildings ranging from museums to the library to athletic facilities and to help build replacements. Rikuzentakata also needs money to fix its fishing ports. Land at the ports dropped by about three feet in the March 11 quake that spurred the tsunami. Wharfs are now underwater at high tide.
Hiroshi Kumagai used to raise scallops in the cool waters off Rikuzentakata. The tsunami carried away all the equipment he used to cultivate the shellfish and seriously damaged his boat. "Unless the port is fixed, we won't be able to do large-scale business here," he said, surveying the wreckage at the port of Hirota, on Rikuzentakata's northeastern edge.

Some people, he said, are trying to restart their fishing operations here in the expectation that everything will be repaired. If it isn't, they stand to lose their investments in new boats, equipment and young oysters and scallops they have bought to raise.
More than 550 of the roughly 700 companies registered with the local Chamber of Commerce were destroyed. A handful of small businesses from car dealerships and a laundry to a stationery shop—have come back. A local supermarket chain, whose main downtown branch was destroyed, opened an expansive temporary grocery in a prefab building on higher ground in early August.
But most others are waiting. One business owner who used to operate downtown, sake brewer Yasuhiko Konno, said he is taking steps to produce sake at a brewery in Ichinoseki, about 30 miles inland. Starting operations somewhere else "is pretty much the only option," he said, though he is hopeful he will someday be able to brew in the Rikuzentakata area again.
Mayor Futoshi Toba says that as residents, many of them jobless, weigh whether to stay or leave, every day that goes by without a clear road map threatens the city's long-term survival.

And here some extra picture::

Picture :: Own search :D

Yet again, I'm sorry but I try to bring each week at least 2-3 articles or story.. I'm sincerely sorry and hopefully you all forgive me..



Monday, February 27, 2012

The Death Of Cartoonist Artist, Drawing Picture Of Islam Prophets.

In an investigative report, an Arabic newspaper, published from Saudi Arabia, has claimed that Kurt Westergaard, Danish cartoonist, has died in a fire incident.

The Danish authorities are trying their best to hide his death, who have found no clue about how the fire broke out and why only the room in which blasphemer Kurt was staying had been damaged. The initial investigation shows that the cartoonist, who committed blasphemy by drawing objectionable caricatures of Prophet (Peace be Upon Him), was provided complete security, as he had received many threats from across the globe after the Muslims had been enraged due to the repeated publication of the caricatures in the European press.

 Kurt Westergaard created a controversial cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban
In February 2008, three Arab nationals were arrested for their alleged involvement in plotting the death of Kurt. A Somali man had also tried to stab him to death but the policemen deputed at his house saved him miraculously.

It is worth recalling that the blasphemous cartoons first appeared in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

The investigative report says the incident took place some days back in which Westergaard was burnt seriously and died on the spot, but the international media is completely silent about it. The report further claims that some eyewitnesses are also available to testify the happenings. The Danish authorities have so far been unable to find any hint about the cause of fire, as they had started investigations while keeping in mind some external conspiracy to kill the blasphemer.

According to the BBC, a total of twelve persons were involved in the blasphemous act, but all of them, except Kurt, had opted to go underground to escape the public wrath after the Muslims around the world had participated in protest rallies which were attended by millions of people. People in Pakistan had also joined their brethren like those in Indonesia, Bangladesh, India and many Arab countries to register protest against the conspiracy to malign Muslims and their religion. In Lahore and Peshawar, the demonstrators had turned violent and around six persons were killed during the course, while property worth million of rupees was reduced to ashes.

But instead of expressing any remorse, Westergaard went public on many occasions saying he had no regret for committing such a shameful act.

The Saudi newspaper says the death of Kurt shows how powerful Allah Almighty is, as despite the foolproof security arrangements, none was able to save him from his tragic end.

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